Clears MOHAMMAD HAFIZ'S Bowling Action( ICC)

"It is awesome news for me and a pivotal turning point since I have for a long while been itching to add to the group as a bowler and batsman," Hafeez said in a meeting.
Hafeez experienced a reassessment trial of his rocking the bowling alley activity at the National Cricket Center in Brisbane on November 17 where it was uncovered that the measure of elbow augmentation for all his off-turn conveyances was inside the 15-degree level of resilience allowed under the ICC controls for the survey of bowlers reported with suspected illicit knocking down some pins activities.
The ICC in its discharge likewise made it clear that the umpires are still at freedom to report Hafeez in the event that they trust he is showing a presume activity and not imitating the lawful activity from the reassessment.
To help the umpires, they will be furnished with pictures and video footage of the bowler's redesigned lawful knocking down some pins activity.
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